Mit Genipin Pferdesehnen kurieren
Dr. med. vet. Corsin Heim, Assistenzarzt, Klinik für Pferdechirurgie, Vetsuisse-Fakultät Zürich
Lecture in German
Although tendon injuries in horses are very common, promising therapies are still lacking. The often traded stem cell therapy has great potential. However, it leaves many questions about its exact effect unanswered and has therefore not been widely accepted to date. Another approach is the therapy with Genipin, which was originally extracted from Gardenia plants. Genipin is a so-called collagen crosslinker, whereby collagen is the building block of tendons. Genipin can be used to tissues can be mechanically strengthened. In order to investigate this beneficial effect for the therapy of tendon injuries in horses, we have conducted initial treatment trials with Genipin at the Clinic for Equine Surgery at the UZH. In the short lecture we present our experiences and findings of this new method.